Tocophobia: fear of pregnancy and/or childbirth.
Yes, it sounds silly, but it's a genuine fear, and it's a fear I suffer from.
I'm not scared of childbirth, I fear pregnancy. I fear pregnant women. I fear the bump more than anything else.
I don't like looking at somebody who is pregnant, and seeing the bump, and knowing that there's a human being growing inside them.
However, the point of this blog is that people make a huge fuss about pregnancy, about how it's so wonderful and beautiful. It's not beautiful, it's icky. That may be a childish (non)word, but it's the only way to describe it.
And here's the thing, people treat pregnant women like retards. They don't let them do anything for themselves! And why is it okay for randomers to touch your stomach when you're pregnant. Oh wait, it's not. It's messed up.
A friend of mine is pregnant, and I'm very happy for her, I truly am (she lives in the US, and I don't have to see the bump, ever, so it's cool.) And I, of course, would be happy for anyone I knew if they were expecting, granted they were happy about it of course. But I'd still think it was disgusting.
Want the strongest contraceptive ever? Watch 'The Children'. That'll stop you reproducing!
P.S. - Either childbirth is a miracle, or miracles are rare. It can't work both ways!