Thursday, 8 January 2009

This, is why she's my hero.

You can now catch the wonderful Lena Headey in one of the best FunnyOrDie videos I've seen in a long time!

This is my reason for loving her, she's an amazing actress and yet she loves doing this kind of ridiculous thing!

You can see the video below.

"Mercy Corps accept all donations, except old people or dead people. And if we give you a sack of grain, you should keep it"

Sunday, 4 January 2009


short one, kind of pointless but here's the thing...

I'm sick of my favourite shows being ruined with stupid storylines, but I'm mad about re-makes!

So here's the deal;
  • keep your office re-make, I guess it's not too bad
  • get away from Life On Mars
  • cancel Dancing With The Stars

that's all, thank you

Join to fight against a US remake of 'Spaced'!

Tocophobic and Proud!

Tocophobia: fear of pregnancy and/or childbirth.

Yes, it sounds silly, but it's a genuine fear, and it's a fear I suffer from.
I'm not scared of childbirth, I fear pregnancy. I fear pregnant women. I fear the bump more than anything else.
I don't like looking at somebody who is pregnant, and seeing the bump, and knowing that there's a human being growing inside them.

However, the point of this blog is that people make a huge fuss about pregnancy, about how it's so wonderful and beautiful. It's not beautiful, it's icky. That may be a childish (non)word, but it's the only way to describe it.

And here's the thing, people treat pregnant women like retards. They don't let them do anything for themselves! And why is it okay for randomers to touch your stomach when you're pregnant. Oh wait, it's not. It's messed up.

A friend of mine is pregnant, and I'm very happy for her, I truly am (she lives in the US, and I don't have to see the bump, ever, so it's cool.) And I, of course, would be happy for anyone I knew if they were expecting, granted they were happy about it of course. But I'd still think it was disgusting.

Want the strongest contraceptive ever? Watch 'The Children'. That'll stop you reproducing!

P.S. - Either childbirth is a miracle, or miracles are rare. It can't work both ways!

Thursday, 1 January 2009

Out with the old...

So 2008 is over! It's been over for nearly four hours now, and I don't feel any different.

It's been an interesting year for me, I've seen some people go, and I've welcomed new people.
I've made lots of mistakes, and I can't honestly say I've done enough good to counteract them.

However, I kept my New Year's Resolution, and have been meat-free for 364 days. Can't say I felt any better about myself for it, so I'm going back to meat. It was always a year deal anyway.

This year, I'm not doing 'resolutions' as such, more... challenges.
Here we go;
  • get more of a life, less obsessing.
  • take people's help when offered
  • get at least one decent picture with everyone I love
  • get good grades!
  • change my image, to how I actually want it
  • try new things
  • be a little more confident
  • try not to mess up anymore decent friendships
What are your resolutions (if any) and why?