Thursday, 11 December 2008

As Of Today

I'll also be running another blog;
in which I'll review anything I find to be worth reviewing.

This will include;
- Movies
- TV
- Music
- Books
- Blogs
- Vlogs

feel free to message or comment me with any recommendations
and follow this blog!

Thanks a bunch guys,
you're all awesome

Tuesday, 18 November 2008

Okay so,

I'm the kind of person that uses the word 'hero' a lot. And rather too freely. I noticed this the other day when I was in a hurry, and a very sweet old man let me push in front of him, in line. My response was "thank you, you're a hero". Usually, I would've responded with "you're a star" or "you're a gem", but why did I use the word hero?

On the bus home, I thought carefully about the word hero (so carefully that I missed my stop!) and there are so many different types of hero.

Considering it was recently remembrance day, that kind of hero popped up in my mind. The 3 living British WW1 Veterans.
Yeah, I'm not a fan of war, but in the world wars, the alternative wasn't much better. Young men were practically forced. And seeing the respect those 3 men got last week upset me. Because you just know, that the rest of the year round, they don't get treated like that. What is the age when people stop listening to you? And am I the only person who thinks that Remembrance Day will die out?

Anyway, my original point was about heroes. And, I have these 5 "celebrities" that I call my heroes. It used to be more, but I thought about it, and I thought about WHY I call these people my heroes.

And here's my list;

Lena Headey - since I was four years old. I saw her in the Jungle Book when I was four, and I told my friends + family that "she was very pretty and I wanted to be just like her when I grew up". Clearly, four year old me had some sense. She is without a doubt my favourite actress, nobody even comes close. I've never seen her in a role she didn't own.

Tina Fey - one of the funniest and most talented writers around. Since I saw Mean Girls (and yes, I knew she wrote it when I saw it), I thought she was amazing! She can write utterly ridiculous things, or she can write comments that actually make you think, or sometimes two in one. Anyone that can really make me think, gets some serious respect.

Shirley Manson - her lyrics inspire me to no end. She gives me courage that no matter what happens to you in your life, you can get through it with determination. And she's taught me to let other people's negativity make me stronger. To know that she's been through what I go through, but worse, makes me realise I can be whatever I want to be, but it's down to me.

Keeley Hawes - I'm never quite sure why she inspires me, but I know she does. I think it's down to her 'triple threat' talent. She's a brilliant actress, singer and dancer, and I just feel that anybody with that much talent deserves some real recognition.

& then there's
Bridget McManus - There's no reason to NOT love her. She's a hilarious comedian, which is something I've always secretly wanted to be. She's out + proud (obviously the 'proud' is the best part there), she makes people feel comfortable with being who they are. And just when I thought she'd done enough to make me love her, she started helping the Proposition 8 campaigns. And I mean ACTUALLY helping, not being a slacktivist like the rest of us! She is truly an inspiration to me, plus she's super sweet and actually takes time to write back to fans (which I can guarantee, most people do not make time for!)

Plus, of course, I have my everyday heroes. The people I know in real life that help me out, and help me be a better person. Those people know who they are. But Jo + Sally get extra special mentions for these past few weeks.
I doubt anybody mentioned in this blog will ever read it, but I felt the need to say it, and that's what blogs are for.

I'm interested to know who your heroes are, and why?

P.S - okay, so maybe somebody on this blog will read it...

Thursday, 6 November 2008

Mixed Feelings About '08 Election

I am happy that Obama was voted President, I truly am. I think it shows a lot about America's ever-changing communities and I think that between Obama and McCain, the best man most deifinitely won. Well, the best candidate, I don't know either of them personally, who am I to judge?

I have many issues with the way Sarah Palin has been treated. Initially, I too poked fun at her, and still stand by my opinion that as a politician, she's... shall we say not the greatest. However, I am outraged at her treatment, she has been mentally abused, and it's a disgrace. Through all of the harmless joking (SNL for example), there have been real issues. For example, the Crank call. In the UK recently there has been an issue where to radio presenters called elderly comedian, Andrew Sachs, and discussed the fact that one of them had slept with his grand-daughter. I'm not saying I agree with this, but why are we not allowed to broadcast that, and yet the unjustified international humiliation of a vice-presidential candidate is applauded?

I am also disgusted with the passing of Proposition 8 in California. President Obama's election is a victory, and not just for him or for all Democrats. It shouts out to a whole race of people. When teamed with the passing of Proposition 8, the only thing I hear, is 'from one prejudice to another...'

Wednesday, 29 October 2008

I Hope That...

..this scares you as much as it scares me.

By "this" I of course mean the upcoming election in the United States.

Currently, Barack Obama is leading in the polls by 5.2%. Personally, I'm rooting for Obama. In the beginning, I was supporting him, now I'm not sure (mainly since the "gay couples can visit each other in the hospital" situation). Mainly, I would like Obama to become president so that McCain doesn't!

I know many people that would agree with me when I say, McCain made a HUGE mistake when choosing his VP Candidate. I mean, I don't know if he's been scoring off George Bush, but Sarah Palin? Seriously?

I think that most terrifying part of this, is that if McCain gets elected, there is a huge chance, that come 2012, Governor Palin would be president! I'm sure I'm not the only person that finds this prospect ridiculous! Only, it's not just a prospect. John McCain has been quoted as saying that's his plan!

Sarah Palin as President would be disastorous, I think we can all agree. I'm all in favour of Tina Fey replacing her! Maybe even generally in life! If you're in agreement with that, maybe you should join this group - 1,000,000 Who Believe Tina Fey Is More Qualified Than Sarah Palin To Be VP!

I particularly would like to thank the creator of the group for sending me this message earlier today;

"If any of the following things happen to John McCain if he is elected president, Caribou Barbie becomes the President:

Heart Attack=Palin
Broken Hip=Palin
Cindy Chokes Him=Palin
OD on Viagra=Palin
Cindy Catches Palin Blowing Him=Palin"

I'd also recommend visting this website for some good laughs!

One thing I will say for Governor Palin, she's given us comedians some DAMN good material. And I guess she was kind of a good sport going on SNL.

Still, Lindsay Lohan's been on SNL - doesn't mean she should be president.

A Really Shallow One This Time...

This is a very pointless blog, and it's extremely shallow, but I felt the need to share...

My beloved Kate Walsh has dyed her hair!
Yes, that's right, the one and only Dr Addison Forbes-Montgomery Shepherd (wife of McDreamy) has ditched her trademark red hair.

Granted the picture I have of her with dark hair isn't a great picture anyway, but I think it's going to take me a while to get used to Kate Walsh without the red hair.

However, she's gorgeous, and I'm sure she'd look good with a shaved head!

So there's the pointless blog, and I'll be posting one that may mean something very shortly.

No seriously, I already have it started in another tab!

How Much Is The War Costing Us?

I've been thinking about this lately, and when I have thoughts, I like to blog about them. Surely that's the point of a blog?

Anyway, amidst the credit crunch, and the probability of another great depression, I can't help but think, how much is the war in Iraq costing us?

I mean, with the resources and people being used in Iraq, so much money is being spent! I don't understand why the public, including people who struggle enough as it is, are being forced to cut back, when the Government spend huge amounts of unnecessary money.

I'm not a person that classes myself as being either pro or anti war, I just think that there are better things for the most powerful nations in the world to be spending their money on.

If my family have to cut down on our 'spending', why don't the families of Gordon Brown or George Bush?

This credit crunch is the fault of the Governments who didn't take necessary procedures to prevent it, and yet they're not the people suffering because of it!

But back to my point, it's probably not a popular viewpoint, but surely drawing back some of the resources or troops in Iraq would save money!

Easier said than done I guess.

I guess we'd rather our societies crashed, than let the other side think they won...

Tuesday, 28 October 2008

I've Had Enough Of Soaps!

Well, okay, not really. I'm still going to watch them, but they really do p*ss me off sometimes!

I mean, I understand that if they weren't dramatic, we wouldn't watch them. BUT, do they need to be this dramatic? I'm sitting watching Eastenders, and what the hell?

Jack Branning has just been released from a night in the cells. He's been accused of trying to shoot his brother, Max. We're not sure whether or not Max has tried to frame Jack (although it looks likely!)
Why would this guy want to frame his brother I hear you ask? Because Jack is moving to France with Max's soon-to-be ex-wife and Max's kids. Max and his wife Tanya broke up because Max was sleeping with his son, Bradley's wife.

Separately, this has been running since last October. We've also seen Tanya bury Max alive, because that was his greatest fear. We've seen Max and Tanya have many "will they reconcile?" moments, and we've seen Jack nearly cheat on Tanya. Yesterday we saw Max hold his teenage daughter's boyfriend up against a wall by the throat!

When these things happen, it never looks too bad, but when you weigh it all up - this is ridiculous! Families do not have all of this happen in one year! No family I've ever known anyway...

Just be glad you don't live in a Soap Opera

Did I mention that Max is going to be the victim of a hit and run this week? And it could be any of his family members!

And don't even start me on Coronation Street. This Carla and Liam situation is killing me!

Palin's Hacker...

About ten minutes ago, I stumbled across a news story online, that discussed the recent e-mail hack of Vice Presidential candidate, Sarah Palin.

Okay, so, I'm not a fan of the woman. If I'm being honest, she's a laughing stock (although she's given comedians some damn good material, and for that I thank her.) But in this instance, I feel really, really sorry for her. Mainly because of a comment I read from the hacker in which they said they read all of her e-mails and found "nothing incriminating, nothing that would derail her campaign as I had hoped. All I saw was personal stuff, some clerical stuff from when she was governor…. And pictures of her family."

The part of that comment that really bothered me? "All I saw was personal stuff". I'm sorry? ALL that you saw?
If I was Governor Palin, I'm not sure I'd see that as a minor thing. I think a small part of me would be wishing that they'd found campaign details! To refer to personal things as 'all' they'd seen, sickens me.

Not only this, the hacker has been posting online about how "easy" the hack was. He has also mentioned that as soon as he re-set her password, using DOB, Zip Code and a Google search to find the answer to her security question, he panicked. Not through any kind of guilt, however, purely because had only used one proxy to hide his IP address, making him vulnerable. The hacker said "I panicked, i still wanted the stuff out there but I didn’t know how to rapidsh*t all that stuff, so I posted the pass on , and then promptly deleted everything, and unplugged my internet and just sat there in a comatose state"

Personally, I think that somebody should post the hacker's personal e-mails online, I'm sure Governor Palin would love to see them.